Following the release of the third single from his upcoming movie Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, Ranbir Kapoor reached a promotional event to promote the movie. The actor, who recently wrapped Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, was sporting a heavy beard. The actor answered several questions including a query about his newborn daughter Raha Kapoor. He welcomed his first child with Alia Bhatt in November 2022. At the event, when asked to explain the exact feeling when his daughter was born, Ranbir Kapoor said, “Mujhe laga abhi aadhi life toh ho gayi hai toh abhi aur kya hoga, you know... shaadi bhi ho gayi hai, I love my wife and all of that. (I thought what else will be new, my life is over.. I am married also...). But, I think the moment my child was born, Raha was born, it opened a different emotion... a different ‘chakra’ (wheel of emotion) in your body. You know, I have never felt like this ever in my life. (Pauses) And it is pure joy. I just want to be at home, I just want to be with her... ...