The much-awaited sequel to the captivating and critically acclaimed web series, Asur, featuring Arshad Warsi, Barun Sobti, Ridhi Dogra, Anupriya Goenka, Amey Wagh, Meiyang Chang, Abhishek Chauhan, and Gaurav Arora has generated immense excitement among fans and the wider audience since its release. The first season was a wonderful blend of mythology, psychology and forensic sciences, however, season 2 has got AI element in the series which is something everyone is getting obsessed with these days. Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi in a recent interview shared his thoughts on the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the entertainment industry. In an exclusive video interview with Bollywood Hungama, Arshad reflecting his thoughts on AI said, “The problem with AI is that no theory could actually be absurd. That is the problem. But the whole factor, which as I said, it can't be absurd. But robots taking over humans? OK, from the point of view of everything. For example, you will no...