Actress Ananya Panday is currently on a family holiday in Ibiza and has been sharing pictures from her trip on social media. The Liger actress has been dropping snippets of her vacation, which feature great outfit inspirations for your next getaway. In her latest post, Ananya is seen in a printed bodycon mini dress, a neon-orange outfit, and a leopard-printed bikini set. She paired the mini dress with chunky white sneakers, a shoulder bag, dainty earrings, and minimal makeup. For the leopard-printed bikini, she opted for a dainty gold chain featuring charms, a messy top bun, darkened brows, and glowing skin. In her latest post, Ananya is seen in a printed bodycon mini dress, a neon-orange outfit, and a leopard-printed bikini set. She paired the mini dress with chunky white sneakers, a shoulder bag, dainty earrings, and minimal makeup. For the leopard-printed bikini, she opted for a dainty gold chain featuring charms, a messy top bun, darkened brows, and glowing skin. In the neon-ora...