Bollywood choreographer-filmmaker Farah Khan shared a video of Karan Johar wearing an oversized activewear. The choreographer can be seen poking fun at his look. In the clip, which she posted on her Instagram page, she was off-camera and asked him to describe his look. “Hi, good evening, namaskar, I am wearing an oversized silhouette, it’s oversized, baggy, athleisure. Now, it is oversized and that’s the new thing. Any other tips, please contact me because you need desperate help,” he told her. Turning the camera towards Janhvi Kapoor, Farah asked if she had anything to say but she refused to comment. Janhvi asked Karan to weigh in on her own outfit, “Is this oversized enough for you?” He replied, “No, you are looking really chic in uber athleisure yourself.” As Karan tried to say that he and Janhvi are ‘very fashionable people’, Farah cut him off, “I have no interest, bye.” She then ended the video. Sharing the clip, Farah wrote on Instagram, “The wait is over... sized...