Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana, who has become the poster boy of content cinema in India, feels street theatre played an invaluable hand in shaping the artist he is today. Ayushmann did serious theatre for five years. During his college days, he has also done several plays at the Gaiety Theatre in Shimla. He was also the founding member of DAV College’s Aaghaaz and Manchtantra, which are active theatre groups in Chandigarh. On World Theatre Day today, Ayushmann says, “My tryst with acting started with street theatre and it made me hugely confident about the fact that I could entertain people with my skills. Street theatre actually set my foundation to become a fearless performer. I became not afraid to take risks and I’m hugely grateful for this because it has shaped who I have become today.” Voted as one of TIME Magazine’s Most Influential People in the World, Ayushmann adds, “Theatre, to me, can be introspective, critical about society and what we are becoming and...