Bollywood Hungama, the premier source for all things entertainment, has begun its 25th-anniversary celebration with the debut of Bollywood Hungama Style Icons 2023. The large, celebrity-studded event, which took place on March 24, honoured achievers from diverse walks of life – Television, Sports, Business, Fashion, OTT, Culinary World, Regional Cinema and more. Readers may recall that we nominated Bobby Deol, Pankaj Tripathi, Shefali Shah, Manoj Bajpayee and Huma Qureshi for the Most Stylish OTT Entertainer award. Well, actor Bobby Deol has emerged as the winner. The actor was presented by Raashii Khanna. With web shows like Class of ‘83 and Aashram in his repertoire, the actor has proved his mettle. If you look closely, besides the genres, the fashion choices of Deol for both looks were also standing apart from each other. Not only this, but he also impressed his fans with his performance in Love Hostel. After embracing the Most Stylish OTT Entertainer award, Deol asserted, “Award ka...